Dies irae and more

Term 4 2024


A small online class Term 4, 2024, running through simple Gregorian chant pieces with young kids (ages approx 7-14).

18 Oct, 2024 12:55 PM

Term 4, the year is winding down. Advent marks the beginning of a new liturgical year. This co-incides with Christmas craziness, so I’m leaving December out of my calculations here.

Time converter at worldtimebuddy.com

So, we have seven dates:

  • 18 Oct - Dies Irae v1-6
  • 25 Oct - Dies Irae v7-12
  • 1 Nov - All Saints - Dies Irae v8-end
  • 8 Nov - Amen dico vobis (communion antiphon)
  • 15 Nov - De profundis (offertory antiphon)
  • 22 Nov - Dixit Dominus (introit)
  • 29 Nov - The End - all the words

I already have materials for Dies Irae.

I’m contemplating bundling the print-outs into one PDF to get all the preparations done in one fell swoop. That would be music and a vocab list (about 20 words) for each session.

There is still the idea of looking at simple Latin sentences, to get an idea of how the language works. That’s where bible passages, Orbis Pictus and the Gospels Illustrated come in handy. I’ll see how much I can get together.

Veronica Brandt
Veronica Brandt
Main Troublemaker

My research interests include pedagogical approaches to forming choirs, knitting socks and whether Linux is a blessing or a curse.