The Earth. Terra.


In the Earth
are high Mountains, 1.
Deep Vallies, 2.
Hills rising, 3.
Hollow Caves, 4.
Plain Fields, 5.
Shady Woods, 6.
In Terra
sunt Alti Montes, 1.
Profundæ valles, 2.
Elevati Colles, 3.
cavæ Speluncæ, 4.
Plani campi, 5.
Opacæ Sylvæ, 6.

The Water. Aqua.


The Water springeth
out of a Fountain, 1.
floweth downwards
in a Brook, 2.
runneth in a Beck, 3.
standeth in a Pond, 4.
glideth in a Stream, 5.
is whirled about
in a Whirl-pit, 6.
and causeth Fens, 7.
Aqua scatet
è Fonte, 1.
in Torrente, 2.
manat in Rivo, 3.
stat in Stagno, 4.
fluit in Flumine, 5.
in Vortice, 6.
& facit Paludes, 7.


The Whale, 1. is the greatest of the Sea-fish.Balæna, (Cetus) 1. maximus Piscium marinorum.

Wild-Beasts. Ferae Bestiae.


Wild Beasts have
sharp paws, and teeth,
and are flesh eaters.
Bestiæ habent
acutos ungues, & dentes,
suntque carnivoræ,

Herd-Cattle. Pecora.


The Bull, 1. the Cow, 2.
and the Calf, 3.
are covered with hair.
Taurus, 1. Vacca, 2.
& Vitulus, 3.
teguntur pilis.
The Ram, the Weather, 4.
the Ewe, 5. and the Lamb, 6.
bear wool.
Aries, Vervex, 4.
Ovis, 5. cum Agno, 6.
gestant lanam.
Thus thou hast seen
in short, all things
that can be shewed,
and hast learned
the chief Words
of the English and Latin
Ita vidisti
summatim res omnes
quæ poterunt ostendi,
& didicisti
Voces primarias
Anglicæ & Latinæ
Go on now and read
other good Books diligently,
and thou shalt become
learned, wise, and godly.
Perge nunc & lege
diligenter alias bonos Libros,
ut fias
doctus, sapiens, & pius.
Remember these things;
fear God, and call upon him,
that he may bestow
upon thee
the Spirit of Wisdom.
Memento horum;
Deum time, & invoca eum,
ut largiatur
Spiritum Sapientiæ.

