Sept Camp 24

We have a shorter camp this year, just 1-4 September. Father has nominated the Votive Mass of the Holy Ghost, which has lots of really great chants. My favourite is the Communion Antiphon, Factus est repente.


The Ordinary of the Mass refers to the things that don’t change so much. These would be good to learn, as we will sing them every day.

  • Kyrie eleison (Lord have mercy)
  • Gloria (GLory to God)
  • Credo (I Believe in One God, on Sundays and big feast days - for this camp it will only be sung on Sunday)
  • Sanctus (Holy, Holy, Holy)
  • Agnus Dei (Lamb of God)

Run through Kyrie, Gloria, Sanctus, Agnus Dei

Sunday: 15th Sunday After Pentecost

Monday: St Stephen of Hungary

Tuesday: St Pius X

Wednesday: Votive Mass of the Holy Ghost

Here’s a plan from earlier this year