Preparing for an online chant class thing for Friday 17th November 2023.
Here’s the fairly long-winded description of the hymn. Skip to 6:40 for the actual hymn being sung.
The New Book Old Hymns Conditor Page has some more resources. It has a 60 word vocab list and an enormous crossword puzzle. Some of our students would find that overwhelming, so here I’ve cut it down to 28. There are some easy ones in there (gloria=glory) so I’m hoping it’s less intimidating.
- cónditor : creator
- alme : beloved
- síderum : of the constellations
- lux : light
- aetérna : eternal
- omnium : of all
- exaudi : graciously hear
- preces : prayers
- qui : who
- mortis : of death
- saeculum : an age / generation
- mundum : the world
- donans : giving
- remedium : remedy / medicine
- vesper : evening
- honestissima : most honest
- virginis : of the virgin
- matris : of the mother
- potentia : power
- genu : knee
- judex : judge
- in tempore : in time
- a telo : from the weapon
- laus : praise
- honor : honour
- gloria : glory
- Deo Patri : to God the Father
- Filio : to the Son
Hopefully that’s heaps to get you started.