Ave Maris

As a placeholder, here is a webpage I prepared earlier

Puzzle sheets:

Magistra Stella has this collection of everything you need to learn Ave maris Stella over on her excellent webpage, Learn Church Latin.

I also assembled a little square PDF of the hymn. After a little while I made another square PDF with the simpler tune. The simpler tune is earmarked for Saturdays or the Little Office.

Online Quizzes:

In Term 4, 2024 (August-September 2024) we started using Quizizz. See if these links work:


It turns out that it looks like I haven’t made many recordings of Ave Maris Stella, but there are many, many, many professional recordings out there.


Quizizz has some fancy slideshow capabilities, so for the third verse lesson I spent a while putting together a lovely slideshow, only to be crushed with disappointment when it would not save. After some frustration and reflection, I made these using hugo and reveal.js - it’s part of the wowchemy thing.