Exercise 2
Here is the word list - this time with the English.
You can see the words build on Exercise 1, adding in adjectives, showing the agreement of the adjective with the noun.
- propter magnam gloriam tuam - according to Thy great glory
- Rex Caelestis - King of Heaven
- Deus Pater Omnipotens - God the Father Almighty
- Domine Fili Unigenite - O Lord, only begotten Son
- deprecationem nostram - our prayers
- tu solus sanctus - thou alone art holy
- tu solus altissimus - thou alone art most high
- cum Sancto Spiritu - with the Holy Ghost
- cum tuo spiritu - with thy spirit
- in unum Deum Patrem Omnitpotentem - in one God, the Father almighty
- in unum Dominum Filium Unigenitum - in one Lord, only begotten Son
- ex Patre natum ante omnia saecula - from the Father begotten before all ages
- Deum verum de Deo vero - true God from true God
- genitum non factum - begotten not made
- et incarnatus est - and was made flesh
- de Spiritu Sancto - of the Holy Ghost
- crucifixus etiam pro nobis - also crucified for us
- tertia die - the third day
- et in Spiritum Sanctum Dominum et vivificantem - and in the Holy Spirit, Lord and giver of life
- et unam sanctam catholicam et apostolicam ecclesiam - and in one, holy, catholic and apostolic church
- unam baptisma - one baptism
- venturi saeculi - the ages to come
- per omnia saecula - for all ages
- deo nostro - to our God
- dignum et justum est - it is right and just
- sanctus, sanctus, sanctus Dominus Deus - holy, holy, holy Lord God of Hosts
- requiem sempiternam - eternal rest
- omnipotens Deus, Pater et Filius et Spiritus Sanctus - almighty God, Father and Son and Holy Ghost